

School: The Winter Sports School

City: Park City, Utah 

Graduation Year: November 2022  

GPA: 4.0 with an Honors Diploma 

Academic Accomplishments 

I have graduated from the Winter Sports School with an Honors Diploma. An Honors Diploma is my high school's most difficult course curriculum offered. My studies have included art, biology, calculus, chemistry, english literature, ethics, financial literacy, United States and world history, human anatomy, nutrition, physics, and Spanish. 

I was the President of the National Honors Society at the Winter Sports School.  I ran for and was elected to this position. This office entailed organizing the NHS program and volunteer activities for my entire school throughout my senior year.  

I was also chosen to participate in Utah's Girls State program, where I practiced running for office, public speaking, and participated in crafting, promoting, and passing legislation. This symposium was held by the Weber State University and was a week-long college-level program that included other high school seniors from throughout the State.

During my time at the Winter Sports School, I have participated and/or organized volunteer activities with the following organizations: PC Reads,  Recycle Utah, the Park City Film Institute, The Live Like Sam Foundation, Copper Moose Farms, Prostate Cancer Walk, the Zero Out Cancer Walk, the Park City Sailing Association, the Soaring Wings Montessori School, the Utah Food Bank, and the Park City Christian Center. I also participated in a peer tutoring program through my school where I assisted younger classmen in Spanish and English. 

Prior to attending the Winter Sports School, I received the President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence twice and finished 2nd in the Utah State Science Fair competition. 

Higher Education:

I will be attending Boston College and skiing for the Eagles in the fall of 2023 .

Intended Field of Study:  Medicine, Physical Therapy or Kinesiology

Boston College